Let's start with some super-affordable pads in unexpected places . . .
In South Roebuck adjacent to historic Roebuck Springs, with Ruffner Mountain Park in your side yard, and for only $136K. I lived in Roebuck Springs for 6 years and have never had better neighbors. There are no interior photos, but I'm betting it's pretty swank.

This one is in Skyview Estates, and this whole Bessemer neighborhood is pretty cool. A 5/4 for $179,900? Please.

Crestwood. Time capsule. $169,900. Get crackin'.

Homewood, in that little hip patch just off Valley Avenue. No, it's not Edgewood. But it is still Homewood. And it is $219,900.

A lake house! (Logan Martin Lake, Talladega address). Under $300K

OK. This one is special. It appears that some flippers got hold of it and removed what could have been cool original fixtures, but there is a lot left of the original vibe. $328K in Homewood, huge private lot. Make them an offer, buy it and do it right.

I've featured this one before, but there has been a price reduction to $559K. Mt. Brook, original features intact. You'll love it.

In the Altadena area, unincorporated JeffCo, $749K, 5 acres, "lot value" price. But check out the aerial photos and see if you don't think there is something interesting there. And also a big greenhouse, or pool house, or something. Anyway, if you go look at it, post back and let me know what's there!

Mountain Brook again. A big, well-kept place with interesting built-ins and original features. $649,900.

Mid-century, no. But Modern? Heck, yes! This may not seem special to those of you in areas where there is a lot of recent modern architecture, but this is a big deal for us here in the 'ham. It's nestled in the Diaper Row/English Village area. $799,900. But the bragging rights are priceless.

Go forth and move!